Contact Us About Your Timber Harvest Needs

Let Us Be Your Forestry Experts

family owned over 40 years

- Buying standing timber

- Tennessee Master Logger

- Green and KD Lumber

- Mulch and bedding

Timber harvests are something most people deal with once in a lifetime. Having a professional forestry team at your disposal can be invaluable. Our professional forester will meet with you, discuss your goals and help you through the process.  Several factors go into a successful harvest, and our goal is to help landowners make an informed decision. From 10 acres to 10000 acres, we are ready to discuss, plan and execute your timber harvest.

Because you are dealing directly with the mill, there is never a fee or commission charged for our services. Our team is ready to help.

For those who choose to work with Oak Ridge Hardwoods for their timber harvest, a management plan can be provided at no extra cost for use in Greenbelt applications or renewals.